Sunday 7 August 2011

Spring cleaning and the Tottenham Riots

Saturday, 5th August: We had a mini Spring clean, initiated my Mr T, which resulted in the disposal of a substantial collection of video cassettes. We ordered DVD replacements of the key films we wished to see again but of course the question is how long this technology will still be current before it is superceded.

The trip to the recycling centre was followed with a visit to Emmaus, near Landbeach. This charity, run by and for the homeless, runs a large store of second hand goods and furniture. We pottered around, looking for an alternative television cabinet. We did not find one, but I came away with a science fiction novel and Ms T. with a music CD. Again the latter being a technology in decline!

I spent a couple of hour in the afternoon going through all the photographs accumulated in the past weeks, in Germany and at Whipsnade. The blurred images were discarded and the remaining culled further to keep only those that were of particular interest.

This evening's news is dominated by the riots in Tottenham, London that have broken out at about 20:30h, when two police cars, a bus and a shop were set on fire and shop looting occurred. It began with a peaceful demonstration at 5 pm, which was prompted by the killing of a Tottenham man in a police shoot out during a failed arrest. By the early hours of the morning, there was still sporadic violence, with a BBC television crew being attacked and some equipment damaged.

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