Friday 26 August 2011

Huntingdon meeting

Yesterday was spent doing as much of the VHP report as possible, so that Mr Dodsworth can complete it.

Today, I took the new car to Huntingdon. With a clear A14, this was a blissfully short trip of 35 minutes, compared to the long journeys by bus or by bicycle over the previous two weeks. Holding the Huntingdonshire business network meeting in the Huntingdon Library cafe, we had an interesting discussion on three main topics; Non paying or late paying clients; How the UK was exporting to the rest of Europe via manufacturing based in China; the use of Klout to measure social networking activity.

I wrote a short blog article on the website on the discussions.

Back home, the neighbour's Goats moth larva had bored its way into a Rosewood twig and spun a silk cocoon to pupate into.

Mrs T in Germany called with a small problem in trying to produce a passport sized printed photograph from a large one. By using the screen sharing function on Skype, I was able to guide her through the process of creating a sized image in OpenOffice Writer.

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