Sunday 7 August 2011

Planning a Speech

Tuesday, 2nd August: There were two main items to consider today. The first was continuation of writing a final report for a project. I had a long Skype conversation with Ms Schmidt in Berlin regarding advice on a translation she had undertaken; in return, she provided some useful information at short notice on her efforts as part of the project fo which the report is being written.

Second, I have decided to do talk 3 out of the Public Relations manual, the Persuasive Speech. The objective is to give a presentation with at least one visual aid, that will persuade the audience to take an action.

I've decided on the title “Write it down”, with the objective of persuading the audience that there is a real benefit to them in recording their experiences and expertise with a view to sharing it with others.
Writing down bullet points, the rough structure is likely to be:

  • Why you should write it down
  • What you can write down
  • When to write it down

Still mulling over the details in my mind.

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