Sunday 7 August 2011

The slight disappointment of Whipsnade

Thursday, 28th July: The whole family made our outing to Whipsnade zoo. Having visited Banham zoo and Colchester zoo in the past years, we did have high expectations of this zoo as part of the Zoological Society of London.

The tone was set with the entry price which included an optional donation that one had to actively opt out of, the map we were given to find our way around contained inaccuracies and there was no indication of the feeding times of program of events given at the outset.

However, with warm and mainly sunny weather and cameras in hand, we made the best of the day. The impressions that remain from the day were the Maras and small deer that ran around freely, the pigmy hippopotamus mother with her calf, the antedeluvian appearance of the White Rhinos and the lively action at the end of the day at the elephant enclosure.

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