Sunday 7 August 2011

Redundant interview?

Monday, 18th July: Woke up too soon after a late night and, after a short breakfast, walked through the blustery wind to the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Studio on the Cambridge side of the A14, following Mr Harper's program on the way. Greeted by a smiling welcome from Mrs Carman, it was almost directly into the studio.

The interview discussion was almost anticlimactic as the Apprentice Final had already become history – nice guy wins quarter of a million to start a new business (yawn) had been overtaken by a runaway audience interest in the novel uses of old red telephone boxes. Mr Dee finding interesting local tales of red phone boxes being used as mini libraries and shop displays and a historic display of a WWII evacuee (I later posted information about the Cambridge Open Studio in a phone box).

The avuncular Mr Harper took on the subject professionally and we had a good 10 minute interview before returning to the real hot topic of the day – phone boxes. After a friendly conversation with Mrs Carman, it was back on the walk home

There were practical personal lessons – I was still talking too fast in the interview. New danger – rabbiting on (though at least I stayed on topic).

There was a personal benefit, preparation for the interview had generated a series of notes of broader interest – I therefore set up a series of Twitter posts for the next few days linking to the Issuu book. The notes also provided the possible foundation for a future book.

In the evening we visited the cinema to visit the last of the Harry Potter films, The Deathly Hallows Part 2, which we thoroughly enjoyed as a family, though it did raise questions about discrepancies with the original book.

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