Saturday 27 August 2011

Shopping for Egypt and dancing with Venom

After writing my diary last night, I spent a couple of more hours dealing with a document conversion of a brochure for one fellow HBN member and with finalising Mr Wishart's banner. Finally tumbled into bed at 4am.

With the neighbours letting out the chicken which I am looking after for another neighbour first thing in the morning, a lie in was permitted. Late morning, Mrs T, Ms T and I took the Park and Ride into Cambridge to purchase some last minute items for the Egypt trip. The need was on the one hand for a medium sized suitcase and on the other for bags that could be used as hand luggage, without being too heavy prior to packing.

Protection of my balding head from North African sun and my modesty by the pool was also ensured by a new wide brimmed hat and a pair of swimming/water shorts.

The P&R bus back was quite full, so I found myself sitting next to a young lady who had obviously been hoping to avoid the fate of a stranger sitting next to her. We studiously ignored one another for a while until, unable to resist any longer, I started to engage her in conversation. It gradually emerged that I was sitting next to a member of a contemporary and/or street dance group, Venom, who had come a close second in the youth section of the national XXL Street Dance Championships a couple of weeks ago! Intelligent, with a broad string of qualifications and hoping to pursue her schooling at a quality 6th form college, she had the ambition and passion to continue with dance. Back home I tried to find out a bit more about this dance movement and found it growing successfully within the UK after having hopped across the pond from the United States.

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