Sunday 7 August 2011

Aftermath of Rioting

Sunday 7th August: On coming downstairs this morning caught up with the news from Tottenham. The riots had continued well into the night and the damage to shops, burning of flats above them and the looting was quite extensive. However the streets appeared to be under control and the sad task of slow recovery now had to begin.

Spent the rest of the day in more relaxed mode. In the evening we watched the film inception for the first time. The idea (using dreams and dreams within dreams as part of industrial espionage) story line, and effects were truly a cut above the general run of recent films. In fact it took a while afterwards to wind down again to reality.

Switching the news back on last thing at night found it awash with the aftermath of the Tottenham riots – the damage, the 28 injured police officers, the 55 arrests so far. A second flareup of car jacking, and skirmishes was ongoing in Enfield, further up north in London. However this appeared to involve a smaller group of around 100 in battles with the police.

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