Sunday 7 August 2011

Battling with Kindle formatting

Sunday, 31st July: Having established yesterday that the formatting of my trial Kindle booklet using illuminated capitals was unsuccessful, I chose an alternative solution, where the illuminated letter and the title, available in the book designed originally in Scribus, was converted into an image that would span a kindle page width. Simple in concept but a time consuming process.

The stages were: exporting the Scribus pages individually as images; Editing these in the image processing software, GIMP - first cropping to the headings alone and then sizing the images to be 520 pixels wide. The images were then incorporated into Sigil as an e-pub format document with the correct text underneath.

The original cover that I had designed was a bit bland too. Since the title was to include the phrase twelve pillars, I set out to design an ionic column, following Greek proportions of column height being eight times column height nine times if including upper and lower units). This was achieved using the software Inkscape, whilst sitting on the garden bench.

Then it was back to editing and extending the text in Sigil that Mrs T kindly proof read for me.

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