Wednesday 1 June 2011

Translation, E.coli and Hunts Speakers

Started the morning with a German – English translation for a Columbian company, which was completed and returned by midday. Edited, formatted and uploaded a second video, demonstration of painting roses by Mrs Evans before conducting more mundane letter writing and some internet research. Registered Mr McArthur's book Ka Sefofane with PubMed, having established its weight (650g), the last detail required before registration.

Radio news focussed on the E. coli contaminated cucumbers in Germany, which now are believed not to have originated in Spain. Cases in Northern Germany have risen to more than 2000 and the source is still unknown.

The evening was enlivened by attending the Huntingdonshire Speakers group of Toastmasters International. An event full of emotion as two members had recently suffered bereavement and each gave an eloquent and moving speech. My role this evening was to introduce and then evaluate Mrs Ekblom, who gave an inspirational presentation on “Killer Islands”. She was referring to the continents of plastic waste accumulating at mid oceanic gyres, where the detritus is mistaken for food by sea-birds and other oceanic denizens, thus causing lethal damage.

An unusual fact that I was unaware of – the storm drains of Bangladesh were found to be blocked by waste plastic bags, contributing to the devastation caused by floods and this has led to the use of plastic bags being banned in cities in the region and in India.

For the second time in recent time, drawn outside by the noise of a Helicopter circling over Milton for a couple of minutes before departing.

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