Friday 3 June 2011

Longlist research and the new compulsory pension provision for UK employees.

Mundane internet research for an Icelandic client before and after today's meeting of the Huntingdonshire Business Network (HBN). A slow but steady accumulation of companies for a long list.
Today was the monthly HBN seminar, presented as a workshop by Mr Stockdale of RHG. In his inimitable and humorous style, his main topic was the introduction of the new compulsory pension system being introduced for employees and the impact on businesses and business strategies. I recorded the fascinating talk, with audience questions and comments and Mr Stockdale may be able to use it in conjunction with the slide show. Mr Wishart also kept the wider Twittersphere informed by tweeting choice comments that some of us then retweeted to our contacts.

The wide ranging changes will initially add costs to both employees and companies, each having to make significant contributions, unless the employee opts out of the system. Even then, the employee will be again automatically opted in after three years, so must make a renewed conscious decision to opt out if still so desiring.

For the self employed and one man companies, this is likely to swell their ranks as larger companies might feel reluctant to commit to additional costs and instead contract out work. The new system may also create new business opportunities as small or medium sized companies with few employees look for cost effective solutions to manage the complexities of their now compulsory pension provision.

Booked flight tickets for a visit to NRW Germany after Cambridge Open Studios in the evening and then also continued research for writing a simple guide to creating an e-book.

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