Tuesday 28 June 2011

Posters, ebook conversions and irises.

Mr Beal had facilitated the uploading of audio files to the Cambridge Open Studios website, so the edited interview recording was made pubic on the COS blog this morning. With less than 9 working days till Open Studios, also designed two posters for my exhibition, one on publishing and the other, to be produced in a limited run of 20 copies, with stereo-images. Digitally ordered, I await digital proofs in two days, followed by a next day delivery.

An interesting diversion this evening, trying to photograph the iris of an eye close up , intiated by some excellent images seen elsewhere. We achieved a fair success but were hampered by low light. This suggests that another trial could be attempted during daylight.

Continued the research into the various ways of transforming documents into e-books and finding interesting differences between those generated from plain text, Microscoft Word and Open Office and converted using different programs.

Late news: Large forest fires in New Mexico close to nuclear facility at Los Alamos. 12000 people evacuated.

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