Thursday 23 June 2011

Positive turn to reconciliation after a shaky start and preparation for a workshop

A sixth day of waking with a migraine in the making and quelled.

I was prompted into a first and sharp response to another message by e-mail, a continuation of the debate mentioned on Tuesday, only to find that the subject of my ire was actually the first step in a more conciliatory approach by one of the protagonists.

A flurry of calls and e-mails was initiated throughout the wider circle of interested parties as well as between myself and the now offended letter writer. It did look however as there was a new mood to compromise and find an equitable route out of the conflict. There is a glimmer of hope.

A series of other calls and e-mails trickled in during the day relating to specific design work for Mr Straus' business cards. The afternoon was devoted to collating feedback from questions to UK contacts for a German client

With my workshop on networking effectively, for July 1st at the Huntingdonshire Business Network, just over a week away, I put in place two strands in support. Rather than just relying on what I though might be questions that attendees would like answering, I submitted a request for feedback from a variety of groups within the business social network LinkedIn, for their questions and opinions on networking effectively.

The second strand followed previous advice by Mr Howell, on using preset timed microblogs on Twitter. I chose a series of phrases and questions from my publicity text for the event and spread them, three to a working day (morning, midday and afternoon) starting today through to next Wednesday. Already, one friend kindly retweeted one of the first messages.

The writing of my e-book, on using free software to prepare e-books, is progressing. Last night I completed the intitial advice on formatting text whilst writing, with advice for experts, experienced digital writers and novices. Started the next session on reviewing and proof reading a manuscript.

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