Tuesday 21 June 2011

From mental washout, inevitable conflict to a positive delivery.

Washed out from a sudden onset of migraine overnight, plus sporadic attacks of hay-fever with the high pollen count.

The consequence of a severe migraine, even if countered with medication, is a curious state of mind. There is a sort of disconnection, impressions still come in via the senses but you look at them from an inner distance. Ironically, it is a good time to try to do cryptic crosswords as lateral connections come easier.

I called Ms Ekblom to see if she could stand in for me, as the representative of the Huntingdonshire Business Network, at the afternoon meeting of the Economic Skills and Prosperity Meeting, organised by Huntingdonshire District Council. Fortunately, she was able to oblige. In return, I offered to assist with a computing malfunction that she was experiencing. Of course, by virtue of having turned off the computer and having left it for a little while, the fault chose not to reveal itself, leaving us non the wiser as the the cause of the original erroneous behaviour.

My continuing work at the computer was interrupted by a call from a member from another group I'm associated with. A misunderstanding, a miscommunication, had, with incredible rapidity, exploded into full scale hostility between two members. I had seen the opening salvoes as electronic communications and, in my naivety, thought that the situation might still be in the early stages and salvageable. An hour or more later of separate telephone calls with the protagonists had shattered my illusions on the matter. It now only remains to watch from the sidelines over the coming days and weeks and see the sad spectacle play itself out, with the forlorn hope that the damage arising is limited in some form.

The positive event of the day was the arrival of a package from moo.com. This contained the postcards and greetings cards that Miss T. had prepared as an online order for me. These materials are further support for my upcoming open studio.

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