Monday 27 June 2011

Mr Straus' cards, routes to e-book creation and the hottest day of the year so far

Today marked the completion of the business card designs for Mr Straus and his new venture, The Wine & Spirit Training Consultancy International (WSTC International). The design had evolved through a number of permutations and corrections – but today it was off to the printer.

The pleasurable was mingled with the difficult. Talking to and writing to two clients for whom we had not been able to find contacts in the UK, despite considerable effort expended. The one consolation is that this is a phenomenon in the minority.

We have permission to use the audio recording that I made and edited of Mrs Evans' interview on the Cambridge Open Studios website and I will address this possibly tomorrow.

Late afternoon and evening was directed to trying to convert both Word and Open Office documents into e-book formats via a variety of routes and with the use of different program sets. Examples were use of Mobipocket Creator and Calibre to convert either Word processing formats directly or via conversion to the internet language HTML. The test-ebooks generated in their myriad forms were then tested both on Kindle emulators and on the Kindle itself. I feel that I am getting a much better grasp of the process and possibilities.

Todays temperatures reached 30 degrees centigrade in the shade. The news claimed this to be the hottest day for years. Working in my windowed office afforded me the opportunity to practice dealing with heat up to 35 deg C whilst working, in preparation for an Egypt trip later in the year.

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