Wednesday 29 June 2011

Document OCR and impending public sector strike

A circuitous series of tasks took up most of the day, starting with an initially simple task, converting photographs of a contract into readable text by OCR. This required installing up to date software, so a considerable amount of time was spent waiting for the installation to progress. Then a period of re familiarisation with the slightly different interface, and then at last the relatively quick task of conversion to text which could then be annotated with relevant translations.

The intervening time was however used productively in the preparation for the workshop on Effective Networking that I will be presenting on Friday.

The evening spent collating screen captures of file conversions into e-books.

The Greek government has, with the narrowest of margins, agreed to the adoption of the austerity measures to combat its national debt. According to Mr Preston, the Financial Correspondent of the BBC, this will permit a controlled collapse of the economy, as opposed to an anarchic one. From the broadcast pictures from Athens, the streets there are full of rioters and looters amongst the peaceful demonstrators.

In turn, the public sector unions are coming out in a day of action, initiated by proposed changes to their pension plans. Already tonight, some of the airport workers are not appearing for work, promising disruption to travellers. Tomorrow morning we will see how great the impact of strike action by teachers and lecturers is. Almost tempted to go to a school and help out!

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