Friday 7 October 2011

Thu, 15th Sep.: Quick response to web site hijack Then off to New Wood Green Business Exhibition

The last leg to complete a vital project report on a year's work to help with the invoice submission in conjuction with my other collaborative partner. Not a day for interruptions really, so naturally a major one had to come my way.

Mr Heker, checking out my company website, queried the e-mail. I went to have a look and found that my site had been hacked – e-mail address and telephone number changed and a whole set of articles on tobacco and cigarettes added!

I was onto the telephone to Mr Beal like a shot; his company hosts my website. Fortunately, we had already been working on an upgrade to my site. This was the time to change the site username and password and replace the old with the new upgrade.

The new site is not perfect, but I now have the impetus to work on it. Returning to the report, I managed to finish by about 5pm.

A quick change into business dress and it was off to Wood Green to check out a new Business Exhibition, organised by Mr Cooney. The ambition was to be a new concept, not only having businesses networking and educational presentations but also including entertainment acts.

Whilst there were a number of familiar friends and faces, exhibiting and wandering around, there were also a number of companies who would not have been at other business exhibitions. Returning back home, I wrote a short blog article - New Business Exhibition at Wood Green - to go on the Miltoncontact blog.

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