Friday 7 October 2011

Sun, 11th Sep - Tue, 13th Sep

Sunday, 11th September

A relaxed day, still stitching panoramas and also catching up on sleep. News full of the 10th anniversary services and commemorations for the victims of the 9/11 attack. Able to prepare an album of selected images for the first day in Egypt, including Karnak, Luxor Temple and pictures on the Nile.

Monday, 12th September

Seriously back to work. Spent the whole morning deleting unnecessary e-mails, catching up on interesting links and forwarding them via Twitter. Mr Heker called via Skype, to catch up on news and also talk about preparations for the BDTA Dental Showcase for October. Made a trip to Over to meet with Ms Gilmour and Mr Beal to cover progress on the Cambridge Open Studios Website.

Tuesday, 13th September

Tied to the computer completing translation and formatting of reports.

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