Friday 7 October 2011

Fri, 9th Sep.: Back to QR Codes

Braved the computer to check the accumulated e-mails of the past week, seeking out the most urgent to respond to.

Saved by driving to the Friday HBN meeting, dressed in my galabeya, but without the headdress. Good turnout. For the first time see the usually imperturbable Mr W quietly fuming at the way he had been treated by another business. Group very supportive.

Travelled back with Mr Wishart to view the banner which I had designed as there were anticipated problems with one of the QR codes, one combined with an image. The original design worked on screen and when printed on paper, however, when printed on the banner material, it worked with my QR code reader but was very erratic with Mr Wishart's. Based on the technology underlying the QR codes, we thought that perhaps the problem was due to the lower contrast at one of the three key squares used by the QR software to recognise the orientation of the two dimensional code. Experiments with small strips of white sticky paper found a solution that worked without impinging on the impact of the design.

Spent the evening editing the 1000+ photographs taken in Egypt.

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