Monday 24 October 2011

Earthquake and Floods

Yesterday was a day of rest, with a walk amongst the autumnal trees of Anglesey Abbey. Children running towards a mobility bus for the elderly and infirm were called back with and we heard the parents tell them earnestly “That's only for naughty people!”

Back home for a freshly baked cake and tea.

The major news of the day was the Earthquake in Turkey. 7.2 on the Richter scale, with its epicentre in Tabanli in Van province, near the border with Iran. Over 100 deaths so far.

On Monday, played catchup with e-mails for the morning. Received a visit by Dr Maunders, delivering a box of assorted microscope slides prepared by Mr Bailey.

MR Heker had arrived back home in Germany and called briefly. Corrected a few minor errors in the translated brochure for Mr Juengst via Skype and then looked at trying different fonts and line spacings for Mr James's book. Caught up with Mr Dodsworth on current international projects.

Today's catastrophe is the flooding of Dublin by torrential rain.

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