Monday 17 October 2011

Short press release in the morning, book formatting pm

Mr Heker had sent through a previous text which had been used as a press release for past BDTA exhibitions. Taking into account all the publications he had written and I had translated in the past year and had published there was an opportunity for a rewrite. Additionally, Mr Heker had generated some roadsigns to indicate his “no clasps” principle.

To me, the dental clasp with a red bar through it looked like a cartoon velociraptor head. There was an excellent photograph of him with the sign. Since his stand at the BDTA was to introduce new techniques of telescopic crowns and invisible attachments to unsuspecting UK dentists this afforded opportunity for a play with meaning. The press release was therefore retitled “No Dinosaurs, No Clasps!” and a more interesting phrasing introduced to emphasise the expert nature of Mr Heker, his published articles and willingness to talk shop with dentists at his stand at the BDTA Dental Showcase.

For the afternoon, my attention went to Mr James's book draft, checking the amendments and finalising them. Then it was onto the next stage, ensuring that the text formatting was consistent throughout, including removing unnecessary spaces.

The page size was converted to Royal and the margins set for a perfect bound book, where the inner margins is larger, not smaller than the outer margin as is usual with a manuscript or stitched book. The reason being that perfect bound books are glued an the pages cannot be opened fully flat. Then different font examples were prepared as we began to look at the aesthetics.

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