Monday 21 March 2011

Mail, books and birds

The penalty of being in this interconnected society is the rapidly accruing digital mail, so the morning was spent separating the wheat from the chaff in the past week's accumulated deliveries.

After a luncheon of oxtail soup and mixed vegetables, attention was directed to Mr McArthur's manuscript which, in its third draft, is now nearing a satisfactory completion.

A parallel activity arose from the lunchtime observation of birds on our small bird feeder. Over the past week, feed consumption has increased dramatically. I therefore retrieved my small camcorder from the debris of my office and set it up to record visits to the bird feeder in half hour recording scenes.

This seemed to result in an immediate stage-fright as I saw no birds at the feeder from thereon! However, replaying the recordings on fast-forward revealed that 8 visits had taken place, including a robin, dunnock, sparrow and great-tit.

The Libya situation continues to dominate the news, with reports from demonstrations in Yemen coming to the fore. The media are currently quiet on the situation in Bahrain.

The media word of the day is "bamboozled", used in relation to how customers of the main energy companies feel when trying to compare energy prices between the different providers!

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