Wednesday 16 March 2011

A grey day and the beneficial effects of Jalapeño

It was indubitably a day that matched the grey clammy skies and penetrating bitter wind. Our spirits hit a mid-morning low in the surreal surroundings of the Butcher's Hook and Cleaver public house. A closed Underground destination; arriving three hours after the close of Smithfields market; promised appointments that never materialised. It appeared a to be a day that required rewinding and total reconfiguration.

So we squared up and accepted the irrevocability of the situation from a business perspective, noting the possible causes - and looked to make the best of the day. Since the ladies had missed seeing some of the sights of our capital, we determined that we should rectify this during the last hours of their stay, before their return to Germany.

We found our way to the Tower of London, once gateway to the city and gruesome prison, and marvelled at Tower Bridge looming out of the clearing mists.

Having flown to this country, travelled the city's roads in Hansom cabs, rocketed through the countryside by train and had our fill of the subterranean Underground, it was only natural to take to Father Thames by boat.

Seated in the warmth of a cavernous cabin, right at the front with a panoramic view through the large windows, we enjoyed the sights along the river as we sailed to Westminster. We walked past the Houses of Parliament and sauntered through St James' Park to the chime of Big Ben, until reaching Buckingham Palace. From there we took a cab to Harrods where we marvelled at the Food Halls.

Our spirits were lifted by the time it came to the guests departure on the Gatwick Express.

The challenge and excitement of accompanying our guest now removed, lethargy threatened to descend upon me with a return to melancholy by the time I boarded my own train at Kings Cross Station. This was dispelled by my evening meal of a chicken and chorizo sandwich, liberally spiced with slices of hot Jalapeño peppers. The burst of capsaicin upon the palate burnt through to the brain, imparting sufficient invigoration to see me home to the warm welcome by my wife.

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