Monday 28 March 2011

Goats cheese, sunflower seeds and HMS Belfast

Took the Stagecoach to Luton Airport to meet with Mr Ebert of Feinkaeserei Zimmermann, with a coolbag of his gourmet goat's cheeses, previously delivered to me by Mrs Green. We the continued the journey to London together by train.

Cheese safely ensconced in the hotel fridge and a day without appointments, we travelled to St Pauls by Underground and then walked over the Millennium Bridge to the Tate Modern, to view the exhibit by Mr Weiwei. We encountered a vast expanse of individually painted sunflower seeds. The initial uniformity resolved into subtle detail, with the indentation left by the occasional footstep suggesting the crushing of small groups of individuals in a vast population.

Onward then to visit HMS Belfast, the museum Royal Navy Light Cruiser on the Thames near Tower Bridge. It's guns trained on London Gateway Services 12.5 miles away, it afforde a couple of hours of clambering up and down narrow stairs and exploring the labyrinthine interior.

We then returned to The Victoria public house in Bayswater where Mr Ebert had his first ever fish and chips, which he pronounced fine fare.

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