Tuesday 15 March 2011

A brief return journey to Southwold

An early 7am start with Frau D & S Reggentin-Hassenstein as we traveled to London Liverpool St station. We caught the 8am train to Ipswich, the train ploughing through the East Anglian fog that hid the English countryside from the curious eyes of the German visitors.
A taxi cab awaited us on arrival, whisking us to the Enterprise car rental. We wound our way along the A12 northwards. Finally our destination in Southworld was in sight and we were able to have our one and a quarter hour long business meeting with a local shop owner.
The fog had lifted by quarter past twelve and we braved the brisk breeze whistling across the promenade. We perambulated along the pier, shopping for knick-knacks in the establishments upon it. The rows of beach huts afforded some amusement as we perused their names and decorations.
After a brief hour, we were back in the car and on our way back to London.
Barely back by five pm, we spent some time at the Netherland reception before taking up Mr Straus' invitation to dine at the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall. A restored historic building with a grand interior afforded a haven from the stresses of the IFE and meetings.
Mr Straus and Mr Sweetmann entertained us with their prodigious knowledge and amiable arguments about wines, spirits and liquors as we made our way leisurely through the the three course meal.
Weary after a busy day, we took the Bakerloo and Central Underground back to our hotel at Notting Hill.
My hotel bathroom door lock was still in a state of imminent disintegration, fortunately I could open the door!.
The late news was still full on the now three explosions in Japanese reactors 1, 2 & 3 and the extinguished fire in inactive reactor 4. Radiation releases so far have been minimal if you dig into the details, few that they are. However, this has not prevented the hungry 24h news channels speculating on nuclear catastrophe, distracting from the real humanitarian tragedy left by the aftermath of the Tsunami.

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