Saturday 23 April 2011

Video editing and a potential Balsam Post article

Another gorgeous day. A quick glance into the aquarium revealed the the barnacles were actively feeding, so a quick stir (mimicking the returning tide) to make the water turbid for them and the small molluscs that were now almost 2mm in diameter.

Domestic chores were completed with the mowing of the lawns and then onto editing the videos taken on the beach yesterday. I had a range of short films, covering birds, starfish, hermit crabs and others. Their editing with Corel VideoStudio began.  It is amazing how what might seem reasonable when recorded would turn out to be too poor to use on a larger screen. So each recording required editing where only a fraction might end up being used. The other element is also to try and arrange a series of short scenes into a thread that might have little bearing on the chronological order of their being taken. A fit of nausea and headache in the afternoon put paid to completion today.

Feeling better in the evening again, there was another task to complete; an article for the Balsam Post, in response to Mir Ives', the editor, request for entries before the submission deadline for the next quarterly edition. I chose to write about the invitation by Miss Fleming and Mr Snoswell to investigate the small threads in their pond as these turned out to be the fascinating giant single celled organism, Spirostomum ambiguum. A suitable subject for the Balsam Post, the quarterly newsletter of the Postal Microscopical Society. Article written and posted to Mr Ives tonight.

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