Saturday 30 April 2011

Battling with technology and positive results of audio recordings

Apart from Mrs and Ms T scanning the Saturday papers for in depth commentary on yesterday's event, I mercifully escaped the continued media follow up of yesterday's royal wedding.

News is returning to the stalemate in Libya, with threats of continued attacks against the besieged city of Misrata by Libyan forces and the death of Colonel Gadaffi's youngest son and several grandchildren. The violent suppression of protesters in Syria continues. The multiple tornadoes striking the USA and causing over 340 deaths also finally received attention. The images of tornadoes a mile wide and the aftermath were truly awe inspiring and tragic for those involved.

For me, the day was predominantly domestic, with two exceptions.

I had to dash out to Mrs H-T's establishment to sort out her mobile broadband. Frustratingly, whilst I had organised continued payment for continuation of the service online, for the venerable Mrs H-T, this did not immediately feed back to her mobile device attached to the computer and further effort on location was required. Whilst technology is supposed to make life easier, it often does precisely the reverse.

The other exception was the inability of my desktop to boot up, leaving a screen blinking the unhelpful message "cannot find NTLDR". A search on another device accessing the internet came up with a simple guidance, that resolved the issue within half an hour, much to my relief.

Miss T departed back to her University today, by train from Ely. This afforded an opportunity to test out my audio recording device with a newly arrived microphone windshield at the station. It did dramatically reduce wind noise, however, since the wind was whistling down the station, there was still sufficient to impact on the microphone. Best recording was of train departing from Ely towards Peterboro!

I also sampled the audio recordings from Thursday in London and was amazed by the quality of the recordings and the stereo effects. Walk from NHM to the Petrie Museum worked surprisingly well, despite the microphone being in my shirt pocket under jumper and coat as I walked along.

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