Saturday 16 April 2011

Last bus and a disconnected day

Today, Saturday 16th April, was the last day on which the Citi 2 bus service would run to and from the village into Cambridge. I boarded one of the city bound buses today to mark this occasion. From next week onwards, we will have to rely on the less frequent Number 9 service.

Disembarking near the Round Church and wandering into the city past St John's College, I encountered a scattering of well dressed ladies sporting fancy hats. From a college porter guarding the entrance to the St John's from marauding tourists, I learnt that an old fellow was having their wedding in the college chapel. Mystery solved, it was to the backs to take some photographs before the clouds fully covered the sky.

As the walk progressed, I had an increasing feeling of disconnectedness. Migrating through the mass of tourists and shoppers, the surrounding bustle and buzz lost meaning. This was briefly reversed by a chance meeting and conversation with Mr Foster, who was in town with his companion. Once we parted, the disconnection returned and continued as I migrated to the Grafton Centre to catch the Park & Ride back home.

Reality returned to my consciousness with the rest of a domestic day.

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