Friday 15 April 2011

Spring wasp, book cover and architectural services

When retiring to bed at 2am, there is a certain amount of disgruntlement at being awoken at 6am by an invading wasp in the bedroom, especially as this appeared to be a repeat visit from the previous day. Presumably this was a Vespula species queen, looking for a place to nest. I am afraid that this visit was third time unlucky for the wasp which is now a sample awaiting microscopy.

The cover of Mr McArthur's book required urgent editing, a task conducted in conversation over the internet, sharing screens to ensure that we had agreement on the final alignment. Technology also facilitated the upload of the edited image file and the provision of the link to the printers. For posterity it should b stated that this will still be a printed, paper book. I say this as the most recent statistics show a dramatic rise in electronic books and a 25% decline in US printed book sales. The argument goes that printed books will ultimately go the way of film photography. I remain sceptical, though as a small publisher, i will be embracing digital book technologies.

The Huntingdonshire Business Network's Committee meeting was briefly interrupted by Ms Helen Drake, the photographer from the Hunts Post Newspaper. Ms Drake was here to take a picture of Mr Mervyn Foster, who was supporting the newspaper's action on behalf of service men and women. Ms Drake escaped with only a short introduction to QR codes and the required pictures of Mr Foster, featuring the HBN banner.

Mr Ben Strangeways took the opportunity to practice his presentation skills before the HBN attendees at the regular meeting. His 15 minute discourse was on the architectural services that he provides and he was ably supported by his illustrations and slides. He demonstrated his professional expertise and also impressed upon us the depth of knowledge required to keep on top of the innumerable regulations. We also enjoyed a brief play with his digital laser measuring device, which had additional functionality such as measuring angles and heights.

As I write, the poll that I had initiated through Linkedin, on the relationship between different colours and the association with quality food products, has gained 26 plus respondents, making it statistically valid. Interesting result as two colour combinations battle it out for the lead. I will not mention which to prevent bias. Do have a go on the poll if you read this in April 2011 - go to

Wasp now steeped in 10% sodium hydroxide to begin cleaning for microscopy.


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