Saturday 2 April 2011

Plum blossom, film violence and Star Trek

Enjoyed the first slumber into late morning after a hectic week of early starts, paying the usual penalty of an impending migraine attack, medicinally reversed.

It being the weekend, without pressing engagements, the available time afforded the opportunity to return to practicing some Chinese Brush Painting of plum blossom.  From past London travels, I had photographs of several cherry trees in bloom and set myself the challenge of using a section of one as the nearest model for a flowering plum tree.

The fortnight's absence of practice became apparent, whilst the overall structure of the painting could be established, its realisation in practice was somewhat inadequate! The practice did serve its purpose of reiterating and reviving some of the skills gained in lessons from my tutor Mrs Evans.

The evening's television promised an interesting film, Wanted. However, the graphic violence was not to my liking. Having watched for about half an hour, reluctance to continue caused me to switch off and instead satisfy my curiosity as to the storyline by reading the film spoiler found on the internet.

Requiring a more sedate and relaxing alternative, I instead watched the DVD of the very first Star Trek film, 'Star Trek - The Motion Picture'. The screen play is by Alan Dean Foster. Less action packed than later films, some critics gave it a mixed reaction. I personally enjoyed the story that involved one of the 1970's Voyager space probes returning as an electronic supermind looking for answers - to life the universe and everything!

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