Friday 27 May 2011

NFC mobile payment methods and the inducement of fish and chips

Bliss, the opportunity to sleep, perchance to dream, until a more civilised hour of the day!

Arriving at the Friday's Huntingdonshire Business Network (HBN) venue, a small group of us hung about under a nearby tree to avoid the raindrops whilst the key holder set off the alarm system. This was turning out to be a regular occurrence, with explanation for our errant behaviour being diversely - not following the incorrectly given instructions properly and entering numbers too quickly.

The hot topic of the meeting was the anticipated use of mobile phones and new wireless enabled bank cards to make payments using contact-less Near Field Communication. There are currently three handicaps to attempting this feat.

  1. The limited number of phones enabled for NFC
  2. The fact that whilst Orange has launched its NFC system, local cell phone shops are blissfully unaware of it so far and
  3. That an alternative Google based system will be utilising a 4G technology making it unavailable in Europe for a couple of years

My good friend Mr Wishart has been pursuing this technology and information within his area of expertise. We continued our talks after HBN with a welcome, if brief session over a cup of tea, before I departed for a Tutorcloud meeting in Over.

I was delighted to find Mr Jackson, an old family friend, settled in at my home when I arrived back at the end of the day. Whilst he originally intended to merely stop by for a short break, at the end of presenting a training course to a local business, before continuing his long journey back to Cardiff, the inducement of fresh fish and chips from our local chip shop persuaded him to give us the pleasure of his company for a while longer.

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