Friday 13 May 2011

Domain name, Kindle and business card design

Mr McArthurs book has been printed and there was a last minute dialogue between publisher, author and printers on lamination of the cover and preliminary payments.

An international project required additional information on premium restaurant with innovative chefs in and around London. I commissioned a local lady, new to self employment, to undertake a couple of hours research, received in spreadsheet form later today – at first glance it looks like work well done.

I also took the step of purchasing a domain name for the Miltoncontact blog for hosting with Google. The benefit therein is that the blog will henceforth have its own domain name rather than one identified as Whilst the transition is reportedly problem free, there will still be some apprehension until the transfer has occurred successfully.

With digital book sales having overtaken those in print for the first time this year, I was finally tipped towards purchasing a Kindle. The choice was initially a difficult one, should I take the Kindle WiFi at a more economical £111 or the Kindle 3G, approximately 50% dearer. My choice of the Kindle 3G was finally prompted by its free access to 3G networks globally and basic internet browsing capability. I await its postal delivery in the next week with anticipation.

The afternoon and evening were devoted to the Tutorcloud business card design. As time progressed, the design developed to a portrait format. The tutorcloud logo, which includes a representation of a cloud, was repeated in overlapping and decreasing elements, reminiscent of the view out of the window of an aeroplane at the bottom of the card, against a graduated blue background. It is remarkable how so small a space, 85mm by 55mm, can tax the mind so.

An early evening walk around the Milton Country Park found the yellow flag in bloom. I took some photographs with my mobile as possible examples for painting practice and exchanged pleasantries with a village acquaintance doing the same.

The last task was to devise a brief written portrait for myself as part of the descriptions we tutorcloud directors were drafting. It took several edits to reduce the ego content.

Attempts to upload this article to the blog will be delayed as the service is temporarily dysfunctional.

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