Monday 23 May 2011

GM Plants and the Eruption of Grimsvotn Volcano

Genetically manipulated plants as a solution for drought tolerance arose as a topic on the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Andie Harper Show this morning and I therefore immediately offered to comment if required. Andie called me in the afternoon for a telephone interview, which he may use on Wednesday. I had also generated a quick article on the subject on the Miltoncontact blog, see

Met with David Chamberlain, the vicar of All Saints Milton, to view the rooms and equipment available next to the church. This to establish the feasibility of setting up the Milton Cinema as a community event.
Other minor tasks conducted included the delivery of a framed photo to Mrs Stamper, who is setting up the Cambridge Open Studios shop window display in Cambridge. Also completed design and order of Tutorcloud business cards.

The final stages of preparation for meeting with my German client at Luton for the start of his visit is still overshadowed by the Grimsvotn volcano, who’s ash is being dragged over Scotland by the current weather system. Will it descend further south and affect flights?

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