Monday 30 May 2011

Getting rid of the old and being primed to write a Kindle Guide.

Today (Saturday), Mrs T and I decided to venture forth and purchase a new television since our old cathode ray tube TV had finally given up the ghost. With Mr Hutching's help from next door, the old monstrosity was transferred to the boot of our car and driven to the municipal waste collection point.

Space having been created at home, we now journeyed into Cambridge and after much toing and froing, indecision and balancing features, we finally decided upon a 27inch black TV which weighed a fraction of the old one.

The night before, I had been reading a new Kindle novel, which was most gripping, until four in the morning. The only distraction was the formatting of the text, which failed upon occasion, introducing unintentional line breaks and thus disrupting the flow of reading the text. This and conversations with other authors and publishers, crystallised the so far vague intention of writing my own e-book guide for authors and publishers of e-books.

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