Friday 1 July 2011

Networking workshop, sand, parasites and a Pet Shop Boys ballet

Miss T suffered an incompetent interviewer today and, as a distraction, accompanied me to the Huntingdonshire Business Network, where I presented the workshop on effective networking. The preparation and effort put in was rewarded by the involvement of the audience, whose contributions enriched the event.

Mr Howell had returned from his holidays on the Greek Islands with a sample of sand, a delightful gift for a microscopist. The sample glittered with the presence of mica and I am sure that there are some foraminifera present too amongst the minerals.

The promise of further microscopical samples came unexpectedly during the later Tutorcloud meeting, when Ms Heeneman declared that she had some zoological slides from her biological days, including a variety of parasites. I look forward to sharing viewing of them with her.

Stayed up overlate tonight to watch the ballet “The Most Incredible Thing”, devised in collaboration with Pet Shop boys and Saddlers Wells. A delight of contemporary dance, interpreting a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale that had its origins in his disillusionment with the increasing militarisation of Germany during the Franco-Prussian War. The same tale was published in rebellion during WWII in Denmark.

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