Saturday 23 July 2011

Floods of rain and Open Studios visitors

Saturday, 16th July. The day began with a veritable downpour just as the weekend's Open Studios opened. Fortunately, there was no wind, so I could sit in the garage studio looking out as the heavens tried to deposit the rainfall accrued during the previous drought. Mrs Hullyer called at about 12 – we had both not had any visitors and we settled down for a quiet day.

The intention was sufficient to initiate a visitor. A hurried dash out to the arriving car with an umbrella to welcome them in. This was a lady with a mission, to buy my COS brochure image! From then on, a steady stream arrived making this the busiest day of the Open Studios for me. Cards flew of the shelves, a second photograph sold and there was a lot of interest and conversation.

Further highlights were visits by Mrs Lowry and another prospective author with whom I had already conversed on the telephone. This was followed by Mr McInroy from HBN and his partner, en-route to Cambridge. Mr McInroy is himself a photographer and graphic artist, so we happily discussed techniques.
Inbetween, I continued practicing my Chinese brush painting.

In the evening, the ideas about information for startup companies had crystalised into twelve areas, with a number of bullet points. First as a mindmap, and then as a LibreOffice writer document. The plain text headings appeared a bit stark and intimidating. I began designing illuminated capitals using Scribus and a selection from my photo collection.

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