Wednesday 13 July 2011

Authors and unsuccessful panoramas

I had agreed to meet author Ms Lowry at the Country Park Cafe, however, with the upper rooms reserved and the cacophony of infants downstairs, we walked over the Jane Coston bridge to the St John's Innovation Centre cafe for our talks over a cup of tea. Ms Lowry's book is progressing well, with seven of ten potential chapters completed in first draft. Even just skimming through the work so far reveals an intense personal story with some of the most disturbing experiences that she had in her early life. Currently we are on track for publication in time for the Christmas market.

Yesterdays images of the fish scales were transferred to my PC and stacked in focus triplets before attempting a stitching of the images into a panorama. This evening I played for a couple of hours with the program Hugin Panorama Creator. At first try, I cannot get a quality alignment and I will have to try again.

The rest of the day was concerned with preparing for tomorrows meeting with Mr Dodsworth in Maidenhead, to round up the last German program. Part of this was renting the automobile for the trip, a small metallic blue Toyota Aygo. With its rounded curves, it has a friendly appearance and sufficient room behind the steering wheel for my long legs. The remainder of effort went to printing out support material. The World of Computers had a small printer by HP on offer for a mere £24 and I purchased one with a view to using it as an economical mobile accessory.

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