Friday 18 November 2011

Networking in person to learning more about Google+

Sunrise, and I was Nordic walking across the Jane Coston Bridge to the St John'sInnovation centre for a meeting of Mrs Garwoods Business Breakfast Network. A reasonable turnout for an 8am start, with familiar and new faces. Apart from business exchanges, the topics ranged from tropical fish (initiated by realistic tattoos) to breaking the glass ceiling for women.

A walk back home for a short break before departing for HBN, starting with the first committee meeting with Mr Foster, our new chairperson. I am now responsible for the newsletters and have written two, one a week, to date which have been favourable received. As an added hook, they include a soap based on business networking “Passionate Networking”.

Mr Downing returned to HBN after a three year absence in the follow on HBN networking. This opportunity was afforded by the fact that Gridsure, the company that he had been working for, had been sold outright, with the immediate loss of all staff, to Cryptocard, a major player in the field of card security.

As there was no tutorcloud meeting today, I gave Mr Wishart a lift back to his house where I profited from his greater experience with Google+, learning some additional tips and tricks. At last the start of the weekend.

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